

The number three signifies perfection, the union of man with heaven and earth, the dimensions through which we inhabit our world, and all that is needed for a fulfilling human existence.

Likewise, the three-diamond Trilogy representing a person’s past, present, and future feelings puts a voice to what people feel at each point in time: I loved you, I love you and I will love you forever.



Infinity appears to be one of the most difficult concepts for our human mind to grasp. But we can marvel at the sight of a gemstone as if we gazed into a sliver of eternity. Not everything that really matters is meant to be understood, sometimes you just have to feel it.



Trilogy stones symbolize loyalty, trust, and respect. It is an ideal gift for celebrating the birth of your first child and the unbreakable bonds of family.



A piece of jewellery helps you see yourself in a new light, highlight feelings you didn't know you were harbouring, and experiment playfully. Don’t be afraid to play and put yourself out there, two equally important sides of the same coin.